The Zebra Gallery was founded by a multidisciplinary artist to seek out and bring together the zebras of the contemporary art world — those evolutionary artists who see novelty in the ordinary, who show us perspectives we instantly know we’ve never seen before. Located in historic downtown Easton, Maryland, we proudly work with more than 30 such artists based locally, nationally, and internationally. Their work varies widely — in subject matter, medium, and innovative techniques — but each is a zebra in their own right!
The Zebra Gallery derives its name from the symbol connected with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and hypermobility spectrum disorder, rare and highly individualized genetic conditions which affect the body’s connective tissue. Where medical students have often been taught not to expect a zebra when they hear the sound of hoofbeats — that is, to look for the more common or simple explanation for a diagnosis — those with EDS/HSD are medical zebras, the unexpected. Each patient has their own set of symptoms and experience with the condition; their own unique set of stripes. Sometimes, when you hear hoofbeats, it is in fact a zebra, and they dazzle even more vividly together. The Zebra Gallery is proud to donate a portion of sales to continuing medical research into EDS/HSD.